While traveling I never worry about keeping my normal routine.  I let it go and find a new routine that fits the freedom that I enjoy while keeping in the rhythm of spontaneity while traveling.

Because on holiday I hike and walk a lot, my first consideration is how to keep my upper body strong and  my hips and legs from getting tight and tired.

I will give you my recipe to stay somewhat consistent

I decided to start with a timed  downward facing dog.  I set my timer so I didn’t have to think about it for five minutes.-The beauty of this pose is that it brings strength and flexibility to the entire body.  It is both relaxing and rejuvenating.

Choose a timing that works for your level.  Start with one minute and work up from there.

From there I did a chataraunga Dandasana (low push up) and slowly moved through upward dog.

Following up with timed tree and standing poses.

IN the evening I would do floor poses, hip openers.

What I love about the space of not having any agenda or attachment  is to slowly watch myself become stronger, more balanced and more flexible.  That way  and feel and see the evolution of my effort.

At the moment I am working with an injury so at the start of my trip I had limitations that I thought was just the new normal for me now.  At the finish of the 2 weeks, my body slowly began to unravel as the resistance melted away and poses began to come back with some ease.  Sometimes being on vacation without a schedule is when I am more consistent doing yoga.  I have the time without the distractions of my responsibilities .  Yoga is the comfort of an old friend who I visit every morning and evening while being away from home.

This is just one option. My point is to find what you love to do and what you know your body is asking from you.  Just recently one of my students returned from a whirlwind  10 day trip through Israel.  She was back swirling from jet lag as she mentioned she didn’t have any yoga while away.  I responded that ‘you always have yoga”  Which is true and what a beautiful thing to do yoga in Israel.  Sand, sea, or desert… a beautiful way to merge with your new environment.  The freedom from yoga personifies itself while away from all comfort zones.

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