Make space within yourself to breathe deeper as you inhale and exhale. Clear out accumulated burdens causing sadness, worry, fear, and anger. Open your heart, open your chest and EXHALE to allow for the fullness and ease of your next INHALATION!
Backbends make us happy. When sadness and deep grief carve out a home in our body our posture reflects the expression of sustained sadness by slumping the chest and rounding the shoulders. This posture creates shallow breathing which creates a physical catch 22. We don’t breathe deep, our body stays tight, our body stays tight so we can’t breathe fully.
The pressure of life causes our body to bow down to the weight of accumulated burdens Our shoulders fold in while our chest closes in reflecting a symbolic response to “Leave me alone!”
On a superficial observation, We age ourselves from poor posture. Hunched back, closed chest, associated with an aging body, and an aging mind. With backbends, we continue to clear out accumulations and renewing our spirit keeping our body open and flexible.
Bending over backwards for yourself will trickle down a happy attitude pouring over
happiness to others.
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